
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fell Off the Exercise Wagon... Eating Better?

My last post on July 18 (Week Two Done... Prepping for Week Three... Jog On!) was my last post here.  So, obviously I have not posted or worked out in a very long time! Ok, so I worked out a few times after the semester started, but that ended about halfway through the semester. Officially, it ended on September 29 (Endomondo Workouts).

The start of October was difficult to get anything going consistently in terms of working out.  The bad eating and beer drinking was in full effect from the start.  The Blues Festival that second weekend of October and Royals baseball games all through the month helped to keep me out of the gym, off the road, or basically finding any excuse to do anything healthy.  I was not even eating well during that time finding myself weighing in the most I have ever in my life on November 16.  Really, that was the first time I had weighed myself since sometime last year.

Yes, that November 16 weigh-in was a wake up, but only to the point of starting to eat right.  Cut back on alcohol and that's been bout it.  I weighed myself about a week after that first weigh-in and found I had lost three pounds... so it is a start!

Many of you know that I love the spin class at Washburn Student Recreation Student Center, but I have not been to class since the last part of September.  I had plans to start going back in November, but now we are about to the end of November and not having the motivation to get to the gym at 6:30 in the morning.  So, I am going to try and start working out after work and do running instead of biking.  Previously when I was running I had races as targets so I could train, but I have not been to a race in over a year, so I am going to set small targets with running.  Focus on pace and distance instead of on a goal of running a race.

This next week is of course Thanksgiving, so not the best time to start.  So, I will target the Monday following Thanksgiving to start working out after work.  Try not to go crazy with eating during the holidays and try to get a start on getting back in shape before the new year starts.

Happy Holidays!  I hope to be posting soon with my progress in eating right, exercise, and meeting my running goals.