Sunday, September 29, 2024

Home Sweet Home: Oliver's Adventures While We Camped

Oliver While We Were Away

I hope you had a good weekend. It was beautiful outside the whole weekend, so I hope you were able to get out and enjoy. Carrie and I were out camping and I will have pictures and update of our trip next week. Today is somewhat of a short post as we are both exhausted after being gone since Thursday. 

While we were away, we had Oliver staying with Joan and Eddie. We always love to get pictures of Oliver while we are away so we can see what he is doing. The first one to the left is of him in the bathroom sitting on a mat. Who knows what he is doing or maybe he wanted to find a quiet spot to wonder why we left him.

The next one is a video of Oliver barking at Lucky Dog. Granted, he barks at anything that looks like a dog on the TV which could include but is not limited to dogs, cats, and horses. Funny when he does it when not trying to nap, but he will startle you if trying to sleep and he starts barking at something on the television. Still, it is funny and he has done this since he was a little puppy.

Oliver While we Were Away for Camping and Football

We would have taken Oliver on our camping trip, but we attended the Washburn game at Missouri Western State University and it was best to leave him back in Topeka. More on our camping trip next week.

Like I said, it was going to be a short update for this week. About our dog Oliver and a hint of what we did this weekend that I will post an update for next week.

Until next week, have a great week!

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