Saturday, May 26, 2012

Update Month Five for my Life Change -- Exercise

While I have been slacking in my monthly updates, I have been eating and exercising on a regular basis. My weight loss started off great, but has not changed much for the past few months staying right around twenty pounds lost. I am still weighing in daily and find it interesting to see how my weight changes day-to-day depending on what I eat each day. Yes, it can be frustrating to only lose a few pounds after a day of watching what I eat and exercising.

I continue to use Endomondo and it really helps to keep me motivated. Running three to four times a week each week has been great! I am happy that I have kept the momentum that started back on January 2. I have run in two events so far this year. The two mile fun run in Manhattan, Kansas back in March. Then at the end of April, I ran in a four mile race called The Trolley Run in Kansas City. It was so much fun minus the cold and the rain. We will be doing that race again next year.

John in Trolley Run 2012
Following the Trolley Run started the thought process to train and run in my first 10K next year. Shayne and Autumn ran in the Trolley Run with me in Kansas City and they were the ones that started me thinking about a 10K. They will be running their first 10K next weekend. They asked me to do it with the, but we will have just returned from vacation and already had events planned the day. Possibly next year for the race.

Back to my progress with life change... No pictures for this month five update. Primarily because my weight has not changed much since I took pictures last month. I need to kick into gear weight training and abdominal workouts which I was doing a lot more of last year. Part of the change of not doing weight training is that I am doing all of my running outside. Last year I was doing all of my running on a treadmill which means when I finished running I was immediately reminded to do weights. Running outside and coming back in afterwards, not so much with the weights. I have a reminder on my calendar on days I am not running, but other things take priority.

The other part of my exercise has been incorporating biking into my routine. Only managed to bike a few times during May. I plan to increase that considerably in June. Again, I am tracking when and where I bike on Endomondo.

I hope everyone is having as an enjoyable spring as I have. Beautiful weather here in Kansas and lots of exercise. I plan to keep it up through the summer months too.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Testing with Blogsy for iPad

This is a test with Blogsy for the iPad. It looks straight forward. I did buy this one as I watched demos and it looks very easy to use.

I continue to test and it is very easy to insert images. Wow! That was simple. It looks like inserting video is easy too.


Crashed a few times when dealing with YouTube video, but not to bad. I was able to resize the video very easily. Looks promising. Should make it easy to keep my blog udated.

More later as this is only a test.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Test with iPad

This is a test with a new app I found for the iPad. This is a test.  Not thrilled with how it works, so I will continue to do my updates via the web site.  Anyone have any recommendations for apps to use with iPad that work well?