Saturday, October 19, 2024

A Weekend of Blues, Friends, and Family at the King Biscuit Blues Festival

Main Stage of the King Biscuit Blues Festival

The King Biscuit Blues Festival (KBBF) took place October 10 - 12 in Helena, AR and we had beautiful weather with great friends and family. I did not take a lot of pictures, but I did capture some which I will share from my experience. I work the main stage of the KBBF which I have been working since around 2004. This is only a guess as to when I started going to KBBF. Someone asked me during the festival and I was guessing around 2004 because festival started in 1986, Carrie and I were married in 2001, and I started going a year or two after we were married. So, I estimated that I began attending the festival in 2003 or 2004. 

We arrive on Wednesday for the festival and then we return home on Sunday. Through the years the amount of work we do at the festival seems to have decreased as I recall carrying on a lot of equipment (amps, guitars, drums, etc.), but the last few years, we have not really had to carry on, or off, a lot of items. Most bands use the equipment on stage or they carry their own equipment on or off even though we offer. Still, it is a lot of work and exhausting as we head back to Topeka each Sunday.

Eddie Stone and me at the KBBF
Eddie Stone and me at the KBBF

It is fun to see friends I do not get to see very often which includes Eddie Stone (pictured to the right). He has been coming for the past few years and we have a good time working and playing on the main stage. The past two years we have stayed at a house out by the lake which has been fun as it has allowed us to spend more time together. Telling stories, a few drinks, and having a good time throughout the weekend while we are working.

Aunt Carol, Eddie, and Me at KBBF
Aunt Carol, Eddie, and Me at KBBF

Aunt Carol came in on Friday to be with us and then she headed out on Saturday. She always makes brownies which are so good and they go fast. Aunt Carol is the mom of Eddie Stone. It so happened that Eddie turns 50 on October 18 (a week later), so we were able to celebrate his birthday while at the festival this year enjoying brownies to celebrate his birthday along with Amy Rose who was also turning 50.

Carol, Eddie, Tbo, and Amy going left to right
Group at KBBF

Picture of where we hang out while acts are playing sometimes during KBBF which is off of the stage. Although we sometimes also hang out on the stage which is where the picture of Eddie Stone and I are located in the picture above and to the right. I usually take some comfortable chairs for tailgating with us so we have a good spot to hang out if needed. The past few years the festival has set up a tent for us to use which is nice as it can get really hot on the son facing side of the stage.

Selfie at KBBF of Eddie Shirron, Tbo, Eddie Stone, and me
Selfie at KBBF

Saturday night I tried to take a selfie with Eddie Shirron (Dad Shirron), Tbo (Tommy Galloway), and Eddie Stone [left to right]. Picture did not come out great as I took it at night and it was a selfie, but I wanted to capture the night and end of the festival. We had a great time and listened to some fun acts. Saturday during the day is always a sad day as it starts to sink in that the festival is coming to an end and everyone will be leaving. 

I did not take a lot of pictures during the festival, but I would like to share the whole album which you can flip through below. Click the picture below to go to the full album of the 2024 festival.

King Biscuit Blues Festival 2024

Another King Biscuit Blues Festival in the books. It probably took me until Tuesday to feel like I had caught up on my sleep. I was so tired after Eddie Shirron and I returned back to Topeka. Although Mom Shirron fixed us a pot roast meal and Carrie joined us which was much appreciated. When we got home, I was in bed by 9 that Sunday night. Good memories and a lot of blues music. Grateful for the great weather we encountered while we were at KBBF. I am hopeful that next year Carrie, Corrie, and Javier will join us as well as others that have not been in a few years.

Until next time, have a great week and I will talk to you later.

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