Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer Fun at the Ballpark

Royals Game Friday Night, August 23, 2024
Royals Game Friday Night

Friday night found me at the Royals game. Erin and Greg were planning to go into the game and asked if I wanted to go when Carrie had to work that night. I took them up on it and go my ticket. They were in another section with another friend and no seats available around them, but I was able to get a seat a section away and it worked out perfectly. About the third inning I was able to move over to where they were sitting and sit right in front of them for the remainder of the game. 

Selfie at the Game
Selfie at the Game

We watched a fun game with the Royals winning 7 - 4 over the Phillies. A beautiful night for a game with a cool breeze blowing most of the night. We picked a good night to go into a game with the temperatures rising on Saturday through Thursday. Not to mention on Saturday the Royals lost 11 - 2 which I watched from home in my lounge chair. We had a great time at the game and it was good to be able to sit with Stacy, Erin, and Greg and topped off with a Royals win.

Friday Night Fireworks
Friday Night Fireworks

Friday also happened to be fireworks night. We watched as we walked back to our car where we hung out watching fireworks, chatting, and snacking. They put on a good show after the game although I did not get any photos they were fun to watch.

While we were at the game, Carrie was working. She checked in with us through the night and it even sounded as though she was following the game. We got back to Topeka late. She confirmed when I got home that the event went well.  This was my fourth Royals game to attend on the year and I think Carrie has attended two. I am hoping to get in 2 - 5 more Royals games before the post season. 

It was good to be able to go to the Royals game after a long week. Our AC is working again as of last Tuesday. Classes started and that is always a busy time. It was a good first week of classes though although still hard to believe that the fall semester has started again. 

Until next time, have a great week! 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My AC Died, Summer's Over, and Football's Back: A Perfect Storm of Sunday Shenanigans

It's a relaxing Sunday morning, and a perfect time to catch up on a few things.

Speaking of catching up, our AC decided to take a break on Friday. Not ideal! But we have someone coming to check it out on Monday. Hopefully it's a simple fix like refilling the freon.

Can't believe how fast summer is flying by! It feels like just yesterday school was out and the season began. Now, fall is right around the corner with another semester starting soon.

By the way, you might notice some ads back on the site. My web host fixed a security certificate issue, and that got the ads up and running again. I apologize for any pop-ups, but with over 1,000 weekly visitors, it helps keep the blog going.

Speaking of keeping things going, NFL preseason is underway! I always enjoy fantasy football drafts, and I have my next one coming up on August 26th. Carrie, on the other hand, prefers the live game experience. Luckily, NFL Sunday Ticket lets me catch all the action on YouTube TV.

And for some local excitement, Washburn football kicks off the season on August 29th! The first home game is September 14th against Colorado School of Mines. It'll be fun to be back at the stadium for tailgating and cheering on the team.

That's all for this Sunday morning ramble. Time to catch the Royals game! Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

From Coffee to Cocktails: A Bookish Day Out

We had a fun time a week ago Saturday where Erin, Carrie, and I decided to try out a new coffee spot in Topeka called Higher Grounds. We took our books and hung out for a few hours reading, drinking coffee, and eating delicious food. We had a great time and even saw some of our neighbors from down the street that we spoke to for a few minutes. I believe the staff said Higher Grounds had been open for about a month. It is located on Topeka Blvd near the corner of 21 St. Food was delicious and coffee was too.

Reading, Drinks, and Fun on a Saturday
Reading and Drinks at The Spot
Following coffee and breakfast at Higher Grounds, we decided to stop by The Spot to continue reading and enjoy some adult beverages. We ended up meeting up Greg, Eddie, and Joan where we continued conversation and played card games. What a fun morning and afternoon.

I am trying to up my reading game as I have fallen behind my goal for the year. According to Goodreads, I am six books behind schedule of my 25 books for the year. The past few weeks, or months, I have not read as much as I had intended. I have read everyday, but often times I am reading as I am going to bed and only a page or two before falling asleep. I went out last week to find some "short" books that I can read quickly, but I am finding even those "short" books take me a while to read.

I am hoping to get some reading in today on a Sunday afternoon. No Royals playing today, so it would be a good day to catch up on my reading. 

Have a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week! Until next time...

Haverty.NET: The Website That Needs a GPS (to Find Itself)

Working with hosting company, we got the the issue somewhat resolved from last week regarding Haverty.NET. I am still seeing issues if I try going to where the page will not load. It has to have to load every time. Again, working with web hosting company to try and resolve. Of course everything should redirect to which is my blog, but I want all sites at to be secure.

This should not have been this difficult to set up but here I am two weeks later only slightly better. If I can get the issue where the page redirects properly regardless of what address is entered, I will be happy. Work continues and waiting to hear back from hosting company on how to resolve.

More on this later and hopefully by next weekend, this will all be resolved.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Update on sites not working and continued troubleshooting

I wanted to provide an update to the status of my website ( A week ago I started a process to provide secure connection when going to sites other than the blog. It has not gone well. This has broken all sites except for which is hosted is still working. I am working with my hosting company as well as domain registration company on the issue. For now, I have tried to set it back to how it was set prior to the changes so that email and some web pages will work again.

If you are having problems accessing Haverty.NET, this is the reason why. I was hoping to resolve it over the weekend, but most pages were not working as of Sunday morning which required me to revert back to prior to making any changes. I am waiting for my issue to be escalated to help with this issue.

Have a great rest of your Sunday and I hope to have an update later this week on this issue.

Thank you for visiting.